2010 Paddler of the year (Please vote) Please send your nomination / vote by email to website@liverpoolcanoeclub.co.uk
James Orritt Brian Green Frankie Annan Carl Leungsangnam Mark Moore
From beginner to paddling Alpine rivers in less than a year. James (age 13) has been on numerous club trips, Conway and Angelsey Weekends as well as two weeks in the French Alps with the club. Brian has been a keen organiser of sea trips within the club.  He paddles most weekends and is keen to help those new to sea kayaking.  He has also made excellent links with other paddlers and organisations (NWSK, Canoe lifeguards and the Marina) Frankie has developed her paddling skills over the past few years and coordinated the club trip to Rhum at Whit this year.  She was a member of the Prince William Sound expedition and delivered her Monday evening Talk on food for the paddler earlier in the year. Carl has been to nearly every coaching session at the docks and the pool and has introduced most of our beginners to paddling.  Without Carl`s reliablity and time many of our sessions just would not run.  Thank you Carl Mark started paddling a year and half ago.  He is extremely enthusiastic and always greets you with a smile.  He painted the racks and trailer at the dock. He has paddled regularly and is on most club trips, Anglesey, Pembroke and the Alps
2010 Swimmer of the year (Please vote) Please send your nomination / vote by email to website@liverpoolcanoeclub.co.uk
Kirk Williams Neil Moult David Brockway Jim Slater Justin Cooper Mark Moore
For managing to get wet - even inside a drysuit!
Story - Whilst sea paddling, Kirk decides he needs a wee. He lands on an desolate beach, pulls his boat out of the water, goes to corner and undoes his relief zip. Fully relieved, he turns only to see his boat floating off into the blue. Not to worry, I've got a dry suit on, he wades in only to suddenly notice that he is getting rather wet. He had forgotten to redo his relief zip.
Kirk was later spotted doing feet elevated pressups in order to help the water run out.
Swimming in Sefton park after a gentle nudge on back of kayak by a paddling companion.  The most innocent of small nudges resulted in Neil standing knee deep in smelly lake water - sorry. Despite ripping up nearly every wave in the Alps and displaying excellent kayaking skills David got caught by the smallest little weir encountered by the group and instead of rolling up bailed as soon as he hit the water.  He quickly got himself back in his boat hoping nobody noticed, but we did. Fell out of his boat while getting out at the pontoons at the Marina  Someone then shouted "quick get a camera".  Jim tried despirately to get out before evidence could be gathered but this only slowed his progress I would like to nominate Justin for the award of Swimmer of the Year.  When taking a number of beginners he was demonstrating sculling, while trying to work out what one person was doing he forgot to scull and ended upside down.  In his surprise he then let go of his paddle, with no one around able to T rescue him he continued his showing off to the beginners by demonstrating his swimming ability Whilst surfing at Rhosnieger he came out of his boat after being hit by a  monster wave, screaming "help, help I'm in a rip tide",but then found he could stand up with the water at chest height only to be rolled over again by another monster wave. I couldn't help for laughing.